《Saiko no sutoka》的万圣节版,目前作者准备将其作为延伸出独立的项目开发……
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Saiko no Sutoka Halloween Edition is a spin-off of the original game Saiko no Sutoka, in which Saiko is a zombie anime girl who wants to play with her senpai and player, with the senpai needing to complete her parts and give her food to satisfy her hunger while also assisting her in defeating Yui so you as a player can escape.
There are three modes in total, with varying levels of difficulty.
Easy mode
Saiko gets hungry a lot slower, and you can spend time alone with her without getting ambushed by Yui. You can trigger Yui by clicking the main exit door once.
Normal mode
The intended game play would be as follows: Saiko normally starts out dead, and you must revive her. Yui is always nearby, so keep an eye out for her as she can ambush and kill either the player or Saiko.
Hard mode
Saiko has already been resurrected and is actively hungry and seeking meat, including player and yui.
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